Theme: Haunted Hogwarts
Dance: Saturday, October 26th, 8-10 PM @ The Vinery at Christianson’s
Hall Decorating:
Sunday, Oct. 20th, 1-4 PM
Freshman: Hufflepuff (Pink)
Sophomores: Gryffindor (Orange)
Juniors: Slytherin (Red)
Seniors: Ravenclaw (Blue)
Spirit Week Schedule:
Friday, Oct. 18: Class Color Day + Homecoming Kickoff Assembly @ 2:15 PM
Sunday, Oct. 20: Hall Decorating, 1-4 PM
Monday, Oct. 21: Anything but a Backpack Day
Tuesday, Oct. 22: Surfers vs. Bikers Day
Wednesday, Oct. 23: Jersey Day
Thursday, Oct. 24: Hunters vs. Game Day
Friday, Oct. 25: Braves Day / Senior Toga + Activities Assembly & Class Competition during Advisory
Saturday, Oct. 26: Dance @ The Vinery – Decorating: Noon-1:30 PM | Dance: 8-10 PM | Clean-Up: 10-10:30 PM
Sports Events:
Football, Soccer, and Volleyball matches throughout the week!
Check the schedule for details and come out to cheer on your Braves!