Title IA

Title 1, Part A

Title I Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides federal support to students in need to help them meet state standards. (Learning Assistance Program, or LAP, is the nearest state equivalent.)

As of the 2022-23 school year, Title IA funds are used to augment reading and math interventions in our elementary school.    

For questions about Title IA, a strong place to start is the OSPI page on Title IA. There you can find a document about a Parents' Right to Know, a video explaining the program and many other resources.

Parents have a right to know about the certifications and endorsements their student's teachers hold. (More here from OSPI.)   

Knowing that parental involvement is crucial for a child's success, Title IA asks that each child have a parent-student-school pact.

This is taken care of through our learning plan that each student gets at our elementary.  OSPI guide for parental involvement can be found at the first OSPI link above.

La Conner School District's policy on parental involvement can be found in policy 4129, and specifically for Title I in policy 4130.

Specifics of how La Conner students are performing in school can be found on the OSPI School Report Card page. Clicking on the "diversity" tab will let you see performance disaggregated by student group.

If you have a complaint with Title IA or any of our programs, our hope is that you call us first. (District office can be reached at (360)466-3171.) However, if you feel the need to file a formal complaint, you can follow the complaint guidelines on the OSPI website. There are also guidelines there for filing a complaint against OSPI.    

If you'd like to see interviews with some of our Special Services staff, including LAP and TItle IA, you can watch a video of a Town Hall meeting held on Dec 15, 2021.  Click here to watch.   Passcode is X=$0azLf.  Information about parent rights and complaint procedures is near the end.