Staff Links and Information
Employee Handbook
Schedule of Payroll Pay Dates
Click to view the scheduled pay dates for payroll.
Employee Assistance Program
First Choice Health
As an employee of La Conner School District, you are automatically enrolled as a member of an employee assistance program through First Choice Health. You and any member of your household have access to this program. 1-800-777-4114
For more information, please visit their website: First Choice EAP
In addition to the retirement benefits offered through the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems, employees may enroll in voluntary investments programs, listed below.
Please visit TSA Consulting Group's website for authorized providers of 403b plans. To sign up, contact them directly and submit a Salary Reduction Agreement from their website to the business office.
Deferred Compensation Program
The Department of Retirement provides a supplemental retirement savings program. For more information, visit their website below. Participation Agreements are found on their website and should be submitted to the business office.
Retirement - Department of Retirement Systems
Member Information:
Visit DRS's Member page for up-to-date information and links to forms and options.
New Member Information:
Visit DRS's New Member page for valuable information on considering your retirement options and maintaining your account with DRS.
Retirement Planning Assistance:
Visit DRS's Nearing Retirement page for useful and important information if you are within five years of retirement.
Salary Placement
CLOCK HOURS: Washington State allows clock hours to be accumulated towards the current salary allocation model. Each 10 (ten) clock hours is the equivalent of 1 (one) quarter credit. Clock hours must be earned from Washington State Approved Clock Hour Providers. Use this link to find information about approved providers.