Our Replacement Levy Information
The Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) levy is not a new tax. It replaces a four-year levy that expires after December 2025. This levy bridges the gap between state funding for our district and the cost of staff, materials, services, and facilities our students need to fulfill the community’s desire to prepare all students for the future of their choice. This renewal levy will be on the February 11, 2025, ballot.
Remember to VOTE - February 11, 2025
Please check our website frequently for updates.
Weekly Levy Newsletters
Read our informational series explaining more details about different aspects of our replacement EP&O levy.
December 11, 2024: Why do school districts need to ask their communities for a levy?
Superintendent David Cram Presents
2025 Levy Information to Community Organizations
January 6, 2025, Monday ~ Rotary @ 5:30 pm @ Shawn O'Donnell Restaurant
January 14, 2025, Tuesday ~ La Conner Town Council @ 6 pm @ Maple Center
January 15, 2025, Wednesday ~ Kiwanis Meeting @ 11:30 am @ Shawn O'Donnell Restaurant
January 27 2025, Monday ~ School Board Meeting @ 5:30 pm
Notice is hereby given that there may be a quorum of the La Conner School Board Directors present at the various Levy Presentations; however, no actions will be taken by the directors.
Questions - Email Cherri Kahns or phone 360-466-3171
For/ Against Committee Information 2025
The La Conner School District intends to offer levy proposition(s) to the voters of the District at the February 11, 2025, special election. Resolutions to define the propositions were approved on November 18, 2024, in the regular meeting of the Board of Directors. The District expects that the County will prepare information to be available to voters, and the District's proposition(s) will be included.
The District prepared an explanatory factual statement that describes the levy. However, state law also offers an opportunity for persons known to favor the measures to serve on a committee advocating approval and persons known to oppose the measures to serve on committees advocating rejection. The committees must prepare written arguments advocating passage (For Committee) and written arguments advocating rejection (Against Committee).
If you are interested in serving on either of the committees, please contact the Skagit County Election's office at 360-416-1702.
For/Against Committee contacts must be submitted to the Skagit County Elections Office no later than December 13, 2024.
For/Against Arguments must be submitted to the Skagit County Elections Office no later than December 18, 2024.
Rebuttal statements are due to the Skagit County Elections Office no later than December 20, 2024.