Standards-Based Report Cards

La Conner Elementary School utilizes a grading system that better describes each child’s progress as measured on selected state standards.  

Our focus is on the standards for reading, writing, math, science and social studies.  Our report cards reflect the standards each student should meet by the end of the school year in those core areas.  

Below is the graphic that we hope will help you better understand your child's report card. It is worth noting that a score of 3 is the goal to meet after a full school years' learning. Students might receive scores of 1s and 2s in the beginning of the year, as the skills are introduced for the first time. Students who receive a score of 4 have shown an advanced understanding of a skill or concept compared to the grade-level expectation.

Standards-Based Grading infographic describes the grading system using the gradual mastery of learning to ride a bike as the example.

Feel free to contact us at 360.466.3172 with any questions or concerns about our report cards.