Clarissa Williams
Community and Cultural Liaison
Grades: K-12
Email Clarissa Williams
(360) 466-3171 Ext. 3281
Community and Cultural Liaison
Job duties:
Work with classroom teachers to be sure STI (Since Time Immemorial) is implemented
Work with classroom teachers to complement STI with elements of Swinomish culture
Seek out entry points for including Swinomish culture in regular classes, working with classroom teachers, administrators, and other teaching staff to connect the class curriculum with Swinomish culture and practice
Integrate resources from a wide variety of resources to ensure access to Swinomish culture for all
Similarly, introduce elements from other local cultures into LCSD classrooms
Skagit Valley Agriculture
Literary heritage
Visual or performing arts
Connect students with professional opportunities such as internships and mentorships
Work closely with Title lc staff to execute the Migrant grant plan
Migrant student advocate
Records clerk
Program director
Create opportunities for staff to learn more about local culture, especially Swinomish.
Help identify and close any achievement gaps within the district.
Work collaboratively with tribal, district, and local initiatives.